Shy Creation brings designs that are unmistakeable works of art and this piece is another prime example. This Chain and Diamond bracelet was designed to garner attention wherever you find yourself. Boosting this piece's shimmer and richness are Diamond stones. Each stone is taken and carefully carved into Round shapes making each their own splendid work of art. For more information on this piece, inquire online or call and one of our expert jewelers will reach out to you to hel you get the dream bracelet.
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55024898Z7.5
$1,795.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55005033
$1,280.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025362
$395.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025371Z6
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55004920ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55007635
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55012774
Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009145ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009210ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55019291
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025372
$550.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009302RD
$5,990.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55024898Z7.5
$1,795.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55005033
$1,280.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025362
$395.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025371Z6
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55004920ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55007635
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55012774
Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009145ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009210ZS
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55019291
Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025372
$550.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC22009302RD
$5,990.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55024898Z7.5
$1,795.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55005033
$1,280.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025362
$395.00Shy Creation Bracelet SC55025371Z6
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